Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Foster Famalies Needed!

We need foster homes for our pugs!

Want to help a rescued pug, but can't swing a monetary donation? How about fostering? Our foster pugs need safe, loving homes to live in while they wait for a forever family to adopt them.. These poor little pugs come from horrible puppy mills where they have never experienced life outside a 2X2 ft wire crate.. They need to be shown that humans are loving and kind, what a warm soft blanket feels like, a warm bath, a hug, a toy, a treat, a walk, the snow or grass under their feet and not metal... Are you the right home to help us? If so, please email us at: for a foster application. We provide all the food, kennel, pee-pads, and all medicine and vetting... The only thing we need from you is a loving home.