Friday, November 2, 2007

Champlain Valley Pug Rescue

Welcome to Champlain Valley Pug Rescue! CVPR is a non-profit rescue, dedicated to the well being of pugs, and finding them their forever home, for a happliy ever after. Our pugs come from all walks of life, such as puppy mills, auctions, owner surrenders and shelters. Our mission is to take in each pug, and place them in a CVPR approved foster home, where they will receive the proper vetting, and love and care they deserve, until they are adopted out into a forever family. We are a non-profit rescue, which means we rely on the generosity of the public to donate money and supplies, and we also do all of our own fund raising.

" I am motivated by the belief that if you pick up a starving animal and make him prosperous, he won't bite you. That's the difference between a man, and a dog." ~ Roy Haynes, Save Our Strays Rescue, Hunnington, Vermont.

"I am involved in dog rescue: my wallet and gas tank are always running on empty, my house is never quiet and free of dog hair, nor is my car, my inbox is full of ongoing despair and misery, but my heart and soul are replenished with unconditional love, loyalty, and joy that can only come from a rescued dog!" ~ Author Unknown

If you would like to apply to be a foster parent, or apply to adopt one of our precious pugs, or just donate time, money or supplies, please contact one of our board members.

Our prices are as follows :
Puppies under 1 year old - $425.00
Dogs 1 year and up - $325.00

Our policy on spay/neuter:

NO PUG WILL BE ADOPTED from CVPR without being spayed or neutered. If a pug is too young, which just happened with us as a matter of fact, as a male pug was too young and his testicles had not yet decended, the adoption can proceed, however the new pug parent will pick the pug up from the vet office to bring home AFTER spay/neuter has occurred. We have a very clearly written contract that the adoptee and the CVPR rep must sign. Not spaying or neutering your pet is incredibly irresponsible and our rescue does not condone that practice. We do however strongly believe that there is such a thing as "too young" for this procedure and recommend speaking to your vet for all the information you need on this subject. Pet owners need to be just as responsible in determining the appropriate age to spay and neuter, as they are in other pet decisions.

Please take a moment to watch this video about puppy mills and what they do. Our president Tammy, made a trip to an Ohio puppy mill in October to save as many pugs as we could from these terrible conditions. She drove 12 hours each way, with her father and daughter in tow, and brought home as many pugs home as she could. Since then, all our rescued pugs have been vetted, have either been spayed or neutered, (or have an appt pending for this procedure) and are living in a safe, warm, loving home, whether it be a foster home or their forever family. This is why we do what we do. Please never buy a puppy from a pet store. If you do, you will see in this video what horror you are supporting.

Also, please join us on Saturday, December 8th beginning at 10am at Pet Food Warehouse on Shelburne Road in Burlington , Vermont, for our first public outing as CVPR! We will have baked goods, pugs items, and of course, our pugs will be there for you to meet! We look forward to meeting you!

Contact any of our board members..

Tammy Hall - President - 802-425-3599

Kimberly Garrett - Treasurer - 802-318-8876 or 802-893-0559

Jim & Louise Wright - Vice President - 802-388-0607

Roe Provetto - Secretary - 802-877-6296

Volunteer coordinators:

Nicky Garrow - Outreach Coordinator -
Cindy Williams - Foster Home Coordinator -

New Hampshire contact: Heather Graves - 603-398-6990

or email us at:

We look forward to hearing from you!

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