Thursday, November 29, 2007

How CVPR determines their adoptions fee's.

We have had several questions about how we come up with our adoptions fee's, so I wanted to post a special blog that will hopefully help answer this question.

Our rescue drives 12 hours to Ohio, (12 hours each way) to purchase pugs from puppy mills. Depending on the age and health of the pug, the cost of a rescued pug can go from $100.00 per pug, up to $325.00. None of these pugs have been vetted at all, so when we get them home, they need the following.

1. Spay/neuter ($200.00 and up depending on the vet)
2. All shots ($15.00 and up for each shot depending on the vet)
3. De-worming ($25.00 and up depending on the vet)
4. Most, but not all, have to have several teeth removed. ($150.00 an up depending on the vet)
5. Most but not all have corneal scratching, some eyes have actually ulcerated, which they need medicine for daily. ($15.00 for eye medicine, depending on the vet)
6. Most, but not all have yeast in their ears and need medicine daily. ($15.00 and up depending on the vet)
7. Food (Varies... $10.00 and up per bag)
8. Transportation to and from vet visits and foster homes. (Hard to figure, due to gas prices)

Because each pug is different, some require emergency medical care as well. The cost of this varies greatly depending on what the emergency is. Some are injuries sustained while in the metal crates such as inter digital cysts between the toes, distended uterus's on over-bred females, superficial wounds that may require stitching, and the list goes on. These pugs come from deplorable conditions, and it cost money to get them healthy and ready for adoption.

The breakdown will look like this. (I'm putting in the lowest amount we might be fortunate enough to pay, but it usually runs higher)

$250.00 for the dog (could be a little more or a little less)
$200.00 spay or neuter
$25.00 deworming
$100.00 teeth removal
$30.00 for eye and ear meds
$10.00 food (a med size bag last about 1 -2 weeks)
$20.00 transport (this is a very low estimate considering gas prices)

Therefore, the average cost to this rescue, without even considering emergency care, is:

$635.00. That's actually quite low , as I'm leaving things out.

Our fee's, we feel are very fair and necessary. We do this all on our own, but hope in the future to receive donations, so we can do appropriate cancer tests, biopsy's, and things of that nature.

I hope this helps answer why are fee's are set where they are. Please feel free to contact any of us at CVPR if you require more info, or would like to see documentation.

Thanks everyone!

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